6 Ways To Ensure Healthy Teeth For Your Child

Nowadays, children are more inclined into eating junk foods, candies, chocolates and other microwavable products that I have ever witnessed in recent years. It is very alarming because

A child’s appetite is deeply affected causing them to have insufficient nutrients, constant sickness and even unhealthy teeth and gums.

Over the years, thousands of products are introduced to entice consumers. But the question is, are we even looking, reading or even researching the products that we purchase before we even give this to our children? What even bothers me is that many of these products are constantly purchased despite the fact that it truly affects our child’s health particularly teeth and gums.

However, in reality they are delicious and irresistible. These products will always be in the grocery store and more often than not included in your shopping cart regularly. Food is essential. In any given situation, food matters. This is where we get our energy, clear mindset and ability to discern what is right and wrong.

This is where science and technology comes in. With rapid innovation coming from doctors,scientists, nutritionists and even us consumers, we found ways to make sure that everything will be well taken care of without compromising our desire to have a sumptuous meal and snack.

 As parents, we should be taking good care of our children’s teeth as early as six months. Though it might not be visible, we should be wiping their gums frequently by using a piece of clean cloth to prevent bacteria from staying. It also helps them to have better tooth growth by way of cleaning and relaxing their gums.

Teeth and gums are very vital parts of our body. If you notice, once you experience a toothache, the whole body reacts. Even us, adults, cannot bare the pain once we experience

it. What more a child, who barely can’t speak nor express his/her current situation besides crying. It also prevents a child from having a delicious meal, simply because they cannot chew properly and have a decent appetite to enjoy food

Fluoride is the best way to prevent tooth decay. It nourishes our teeth and makes it healthier. It also prevents bacteria from staying in. These things happen when cavities and food are not brushed properly. It weakens a child’s tooth and starts to have holes. Then that is how a problem begins.

Here are some good ways to keep cavities away from your child’s teeth.

  1. Limit/ choose their food intake; with this remedy, you allow your child to appreciate healthy food rather than sugary foods like candies, juice, chips, chocolates and a lot of comfort foods that we know. We give our child a better chance of having good teeth by doing this.
  1. Developing good hygiene habits; by doing so, it keeps our child aware of their responsibility to themselves at a very young age. It also gives a child confidence in having a good set of teeth. As a parent, you will also feel accomplished when such a habit is developed at a very young age.
  1. Bring your child to a dentist on a regular basis; allow them to know more about proper care of their mouth and teeth. It gives a child an urgency to keep up with the doctor’s advice. It also develops a child’s sense of responsibility within himself/herself.
  1. Avoid giving food during bedtime. Keeping a child’s mouth clean while asleep is the best/ cheapest way of giving your child a healthy set of teeth.
  1. Supervise your child when brushing their teeth until they reach the age of 9. While supervising, explain to them the importance of brushing our teeth regularly.
  1. Encourage them at a very young age to eat healthy food for them to value the importance of having a great smile.

As a child grows older, it would be tougher for us to correct those faulty teeth. Once those milk teeth go off and permanent ones come in, whatever may be the result, surely that is it. Having teeth modification like Invisalign Braces can be dependable and gives you the best result. On the other hand it is quite expensive.

Though we always say as parents that nothing is expensive when it comes to our children. We are willing to give up or sacrifice everything just to make sure that they feel confident and happy. In reality, we can. As early as they are born we can do it by allocating more time to them. We don’t have to get to a point wherein we need to spend a lot instead of doing the right thing right from the very start.

Having a child is one thing. But being a true parent is another challenge to each and everyone of us. Might as well be sure that you are truly ready to become a parent because parenting is no ordinary responsibility to carry on, IT IS PERMANENT!

Category: Oral Health

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