Top Causes of Gum Diseases

Many of us are unaware of Gum Disease. Over the years this disease has been rapidly increasing. Almost 47 percent of adults have one. What’s alarming though is that despite these facts none of us seemed bothered by it. In reality, this disease can kill. Poor oral hygiene can greatly affect your gums. It is also the common reason why people get such diseases

According to WHO ( World Health Organization), almost 3.5 billion around the world have a disease like this as of 2020. In our current situation, with the pandemic still unresolved, this data is unacceptable. No wonder that we are in a situation like this. Hygiene is essential to mankind. Regardless of nationality, culture and even beliefs. It is our moral obligation to others and mostly to ourselves.

Luckily, innovation and science made this disease easy to cure. Invisalign Clear Aligners is a good example of innovation. With this product it helps you prevent having a gum disease. It even makes you more meticulous when it comes to oral hygiene. That way, you lower the risk of getting gingivitis and periodontitis.

It has been prevalent nowadays and somewhat disturbing. To name a few, countries like Poland, Bolivia, Australia and Philippines are the worst countries when it comes to oral health. Several reasons are, poor hygiene, careless food intake and indulgence. For instance, in the Philippines, They are known for their passion for food and mostly desserts. They literally love eating, in fact they eat at least four times a day.

Eating is essential to mankind. It is our source of energy and knowledge to discern right. However, it is our duty to ourselves to ingest food that is beneficial to us. Often than not, that has never been the case. Comfort food, in reality they are created to entice people and admittedly, it is very delicious and flavorful. Simply irresistible.

Food for me is our silent killer. It gives you great pleasure yet in the long run it will haunt you.

That is why it is essential for us to take precaution to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Here are a couple of tips to ensure healthy gums and teeth.

  1. Brushing our teeth properly is the best way to prevent gum disease. It lowers the risk by 75 percent if you do proper oral hygiene. Changing of toothbrush quarterly is also essential. Brush at least twice a day.
  2. Make sure to have dental appointments on a quarterly basis. This helps us to monitor the current status of our mouth and teeth. Regular cleaning from dentists gives us assurance of low risk incurring such a disease.
  3. Choose the right brand of toothpaste. It gives you comfort as well as making sure that the right ingredients are needed is available in that brand.
  4. Flossing. It is a way to ensure food particles in your mouth are removed. It also gives us less risk of gum infection.
  5. Never neglect your tongue. Plaque can also stay here and eventually turn into a bad mouth odor and eventually oral health problems.
  6. Eat a well balanced meal. As we all know by now, the food that we eat can be a major reason for our oral health problems. That is why we need to make sure that we are providing well to ourselves and to our children in terms of buying nutritious food and a balanced diet.

It will continue to be a problem though because who hates sumptuous food. What we want to see now is actions coming from national governments all over the world. It seems that the figures are not that alarming to them. Imagine, as of 2020, 47.2% of adults aged 30 and above have some forms of periodontal disease. It may not be a severe impact now for us, eventually it will be.

We tend to neglect small things but in reality those things are the one putting us in trouble despite constant reminders from advertisement, newspapers, magazines and even in social media. We may say that it’s curable yet why do we need to put ourselves in that situation. Stubbornness, negligence or pure laziness.

Either of the three, definitely it will lead us nowhere. Might as well act now than suffer later. Right products are available easily. Application too is not that hard, so how come such statistics keeps on piling up. The answer is, as long as we feel nothing we do nothing. The worst mistake that a person can ever commit.

Imagine a child at a very young age suffering from such a disease. We get too preoccupied with things that we think that they will appreciate but we neglect to teach the basic fundamentals in life. Never compromise the health of your child for it will haunt you for the rest of our life.

Category: Oral Health

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