Essix Retainer Prices

After the removal of orthodontic braces, the teeth will have a tendency to move back to their previous incorrect position. 

This is the reason why retainers are used in the last phase of orthodontic treatment

The retainer will keep the teeth from moving after they’ve been straightened with braces. It takes at least four to six months for the new position of the teeth to become permanent. Retainers help maintain the position of straightened teeth.

There are different kinds of retainer and one of them is the Essix Retainer which only costs $50 to $300.

One should not be bothered at all even if it seems like it is the least valuable because of its very low cost, its features in terms of comfort and effectivity is way too priceless and unbelievably they are known to be the most superior in terms of aesthetics and the type of retainer’s ability to keep and maintain the position of the teeth in its proper place.

At the end of the day, the purpose of the retainer must be maximized and the beauty of it is just a pleasant added bonus.

What are Essix Retainers?

As soon as it is time for the braces to be removed, the orthodontist will require the patient to start wearing retainers because genetics or daily activities like chewing or other activities and mannerisms can push back the teeth away from its newly corrected position. 

The patient will be wearing retainers for at least four to six months because that is how long it is going to take for the teeth’s new position to be permanent.

It is important that one chooses wisely what he is going to wear and which will be the most convenient. 

While there are many kinds of retainers available in the industry nowadays, the Essix Retainer stands out in terms of comfort and reliability.

How Much Does Essix Retainers Cost?

The Essix Retainer is one of the least expensive retainers available. It only costs an average of $50 to $300. A full set of retainers, top and bottom cost around $150 to $500. One of the reasons why it is a popular option for many orthodontic patients is because of its low price although, the price may vary for each specific case.

The orthodontist treating the patient and the region where they are seeking care plays a factor too. In some places, lab costs and other associated costs may be higher, raising the price of  Essix retainers. There are orthodontists that offer a package of several sets of Essix retainers, so the patient will have backups handy. 

Normally an Essix retainer is built to last for several years, but they will still have to replace the retainer with a new one in case of loss or breakage that is why it is better to keep several sets. Also if they need to go to the orthodontist to get fitted for a new retainer, there may be office visit costs added to the price of the new retainers so again it is better to purchase in advance more than one or two.

Pros and Cons of Essix Retainers

Aside from being aesthetically superior, Essix Retainers have a number of significant advantages over conventional retainers and they are said to give better results.

  • Essix retainers have the least scope for post-treatment teeth movement 

These retainers deliver better results than others because of the scope of its coverage and better fit.

  • The teeth appear more neat because of Essix retainer’s transparent material. 
  • It is easy to remove and easy to clean

It is easy to maintain oral hygiene with these retainers. It can be taken off while brushing the teeth and it can be cleaned very quickly. Cleaning other retainers can be more difficult.

There will always be minor disadvantages:

  • Cannot make adjustments

Because Essix retainers are non-adjustable, it can’t be used by the dentist to make further alignment refinements.

  • The material can be affected by temperature

Plastic might warp when exposed to heat. It also needs to be inspected regularly for cracks, holes, tears or breakage.

  • Cannot be repaired

You will be needing a new one in case of damage because it cannot be repaired, the shape will be altered already and will be ineffective.

Who can benefit from Essix Retainers?

Those who do not want the possible dental conditions that one can possibly get from permanent or fixed retainers should just opt for a better removable and easier to clean alternative.

Anyone who prefers a least costly yet more effective and more esthetically superior choice can greatly benefit from Essix Retainers.

Why should you choose Essix Retainers instead of Hawley’s or permanent bonded ones?

Essix retainers are hugely popular after it was invented by John Sheridan in 1993 because it is made from thin, clear PVC material, which makes it almost invisible and more pleasing to look at.

It can be worn without impacting speech or obscuring the smile. It is significantly less obtrusive than the Hawley model.  As for the fixed type of retainers, it had been known that removable retainers like Essix are way better than permanent bonded retainers. Permanently fixed retainers  have been known to have a lot of disadvantages.

First, it is not as hygienic as the other removable types. Keeping it clean is very difficult because it cannot be removed and cleaned. Again, removable retainers don’t interfere with eating or drinking, because they can be removed before eating or drinking. 

Permanent retainers may be more difficult to clean, and food or other debris may become trapped in the retainer can cause dental problems in the future if unsupervised. A lot of people also complain that the bonded retainer kept interfering with their tongue making their speech slurry.

They get a lot of cuts and they find it very difficult to floss with it. Also, they will need more frequent visits to the dentist every time they need help with it from cleaning to other minor issues so every visit adds to the cost.

More Reasons to like Essix Retainers

The clear plastic of the Essix retainer is slim and less likely to irritate the gums, lips, and tongue.  Again, It is also less likely to cause difficulty in speaking. The form-fitted mold of the Essix retainer provides comprehensive retention. 

This type of retainer definitely has better, longer-lasting effectiveness when it comes to keeping the position of the teeth in place. These clear and removable plastic retainers are molded to the teeth for comfort and secure fit. They are more comfortable and easier to wear.  The transparent plastic makes them extremely discreet. They are just like the version of the aesthetically popular clear aligners which is preferred over metal braces. 

It is strongly advised to always consult a dentist or orthodontist instead of just going for quick solutions which can be purchased just anywhere. Essix Retainers will surely be recommended by experts because of its effectiveness and most comfortable features.