Hawley Retainer Prices

Even if dentistry had only been officially recognized as having been around only for the last 150 years, humans have been known to develop ways to address their dental issues. 

In Egypt, Archeologists have found devices used to fix the alignment of the teeth and jaw as well as to treat malocclusion, dating over 2,000 years old.

The first removable retainer which had been clinically tested and used in the 1920s was invented in 1920 by Dr. Charles Hawley, one of the first dentists to specialize in orthodontics

Since then the Hawley Retainer which is named after him is still considered today as the best-known removable retainer.

What is a Hawley Retainer?

A Hawley retainer is described as the best known removable retainer. It consists of a metal wire that typically surrounds the six anterior teeth and keeps them in place. 

The Hawley bow or the labial wire uses 2 omega loops for easy adjustment. It is anchored in an acrylic base plate that sits in the palate which is also called the roof of the mouth.

One of this type of retainer’s main advantage is that its metal wires can be adjusted to fit any stage of the treatment until the treatment is finished and any minor movement of the anterior teeth can continue as needed.

Hawley Retainers are also known to be easier to construct and are more robust and rigid. It also allows prosthetic teeth to be added onto it.

If Hawley Retainers are going to incidentally still have a bit of a disadvantage, maybe it is only going to be that it fares lesser in aesthetics. There is also a risk fracture and interference in speech. It is also said that compared to vacuum-formed retainers, there are instances when the Hawley retainer may be less effective in terms of retention.

The makers of Hawley retainers recently addressed these issues by coming up with a more aesthetic version of the Hawley retainer.

This alternative version had the front metal wire replaced with a clear wire called the ASTICS. The retainer intends to be adjustable similarly to the traditional Hawley retainer making it still better than vacuum-formed retainers who do not have this practical feature.

Aside from discussing its main features, the cost of Hawley Retainers will also be discussed briefly.

How Much Does It Cost to Acquire Hawley Retainers?

The cost of Hawley Retainers vary depending on one’s orthodontist provider. Roughly it can average between $350 to $600. 

The price is inclusive of the cost to transport the molds to the maker’s facility and have the retainer to be shaped exactly for your mouth and then transported back to the clinic. 

Hawley retainers may cost more than clear plastic Essix retainers, but one Hawley retainer is designed to last many years, longer than plastic Essix retainers as it is more durable and has less breakage. 

Some Known Advantages and Disadvantages of Hawley Retainers 

Hawley Retainers have several advantages and below are just some of them:

  • They are easier to mold to the patient’s mouth
  • They are adjustable whenever needed
  • Their plate color can be customized for a more personalized feel 
  • It is made from sturdy materials which are durable and difficult to damage
  • They are easy to clean
  • They can easily be removed if you need thorough cleaning and care of the mouth
  • No need for any food restrictions since it can be removed anytime before having meals or drinks

So far, in spite of being dubbed as the best removable retainer, it still has known limitations just like any other product.

Below are some of its disadvantages:

  • Its wire is nestled in the front of the teeth so it is very noticeable compared to other retainers. 
  • Its plastic plate may cause discomfort for some
  • It can cause difficulty in speaking
  • Since it is bulkier, it may cause irritation to lips, gums, or tongue
  • Requires dedicated compliance because the teeth may shift ifit is not worn properly or regularly
  • Just like any removable tool, there is a risk of being broken, lost, or damaged. Also If not cleaned properly of dirt acquired when not worn, bacteria may grow

Who needs Hawley Retainers?

 The teeth which have been newly corrected have a strong tendency to push itself back from its usual wrong position due to genetics, eating habits or sometimes nail biting mannerisms.

This is what retainers are mostly for. 

After treatment with braces, a patient needs to wear retainers for at least six months.

Since they will be wearing them for such a long period of time, they must choose a retainer which they can be most comfortable with.

Hawley Retainers are most recommended by dentists.

Are Hawley Retainers better than other types? 

Hawley Retainers are way better than permanent bonded or fixed retainers.

Retainers which are permanently fixed have a lot of disadvantages.

First, since it is not removable, it is not as hygienic as the other removable types. Neatness is compromised because it cannot be removed and cleaned.

Also, you will need more frequent visits to the dentist every time you need help with it.

Some people also complain that their bonded retainer interferes with the tongue, some get cuts too. It is also difficult to floss with it.

As for the other removable type which is also easier to clean, Hawley Retainers still fare better in comparison because they are more durable and adjustable.

Hawley retainers are also easier to clean. One can just rub the surface of its plate with a toothpaste and hold it under running water. 

It will not get stained just like the clear retainers because the acrylic portion can be cleaned and the stainless steel wire does not really get stains.

How to choose which retainer will work fine with you

As mentioned earlier, you will be wearing retainers for a long period of time so it is best to ask yourself the following questions regarding convenience and personal choice before you pick one:

  1. Do you want a retainer which takes less effort and time to clean?
  2. Do you want it to look visible or more subtle? If yes, are you willing to compromise comfort just for these?
  3. Are you into something removable or permanent?
  4. Do you want a removable option or something permanent?

Whatever your answers are for these questions, it is important to just pick a type that works best for you.

At the end of the day, people who are in the know like orthodontists will be the best one to answer all your questions so it is best to consult them from time to time.