Invisalign Braces Prices

Much has been said about the traditional braces made from metal being better than clear aligners in terms of price and effectiveness. They say that only metal braces can fix more complicated errors in the teeth’s structure and they even come at a lower price. Still, no one can deny that clear aligners look way more presentable than the metal version which is even more painful to look at, to think that it is already painful to wear because of the unavoidable little accidents causing nicks and cuts.

What if there is a clear aligner that is equally effective in fixing orthodontic issues like a traditional metal brace? I think we all have heard about Align Technologies’ Invisalign Braces System and it is one of the best things that happened in the orthodontic industry with a cost which is equally valued for its effectiveness.


Invisalign Braces Estimated Cost

Invisalign$3,500 to $8,000
Metal Braces$1,800 to $5,500
Ceramic$4,000 to $8,000
Lingual$8,000 to $10,000
Smile Direct Club$1,500 to $2,000
Byte$1,500 to $2,500
Alignerco$1,000 to $1,500
NewSmile$1,000 to $1,500
Candid$1,000 to $2,000

What are Invisalign Braces

Invisalign is a method of orthodontic treatment which uses a sequential series of removable clear aligners as an alternative to traditional metal dental braces. This proprietary procedure is the most advanced clear aligner system in the world with over  9 million patients to date, 2.3 million are teens. 

Align Technology, Inc., a Santa Clara-based medical-device company, is the designer, manufacturer of Invisalign. 

It also handles marketing and training of over 35,790 doctors to provide Invisalign treatment in the US and 48,130 doctors worldwide.

As of 2008 the company has manufactured more than 32 million aligners.  The company has over 133 patents.

Align Technology had revolutionized the orthodontic industry by being the one that pioneered the invisible orthodontics market with the introduction of the Invisalign system in 1999.

Invisalign combines digital treatment planning and mass-customization, with shape-engineering based on biomechanical principles.

Align had manufactured one million unique clear aligners and helped treat hundreds of patients and at the same time, trained over ten thousand doctors by 2001

The Invisalign system has continued to evolve over the last 23 years. With a database of over 9.0 million cases, continuous innovations in aligner materials, software algorithms, 3D force systems, it is clearly continuous to build with extensive research and customer experience.

They are able to enhance patient scans and provide improved customized patient experience thru

Digital scanning technology,  a natural extension to the digital treatment processes of the Invisalign system.

Align Technology continues to increase its investment in digital restorative workflows. 

Their iTero intraoral scanner which they acquired in 2011 has already helped 6.0 million restorative crown, bridge and the number also includes enabled custom implant cases.

Their procedures today require a range of digitally enabled solutions like chairside visualization, prosthetic CAD capabilities, in-office milling options, and laboratory workflows for restorative dentistry, to tools and applications exclusively designed for Invisalign® treatment, which only iTero Element can provide.

Unlike the ordinary clear aligners, the Invisalign system can be used to treat a wide range of cases, from teens to adults. Invisalign Braces are definitely worth the cost.

How much does it cost?

These cost estimates is exclusive of the fees for initial consultation,

iTero scan, diagnostic casts, dental X-rays, refinement, and Retainers (included with some packages).

Invisalign Express 

This is what they recommend for those who only have minor overcrowding or spacing problems. 

The package includes 10 trays and it costs $1,800 to $ 3,000

Invisalign Full

This option provides significant flexibility and control over the whole duration of the treatment. There is no pressure to perfect each step right away as the improvement can be detailed and gradual. This is why this is highly recommended for even the most complex cases.

The package includes  an unlimited number of trays and it costs $3,500 to $9,500 depending on the severity of the issue, the length of the treatment, the numbers of aligners necessary, the experience of the dentist, and the dentist’s specialization (an orthodontist might charge a little more than a regular dentist).

Invisalign Teens

This package is designed for teenagers and young adults whose teeth are still moving around or haven’t erupted entirely. The direction of the growth of the root can be guided and shifting can be controlled.

They also took into consideration the distracted nature of teenagers so there is a blue indicator on the trays that show when the aligners were worn enough. The set also includes six complementary aligners in case it gets broken or lost. 

The package includes an unlimited number of trays. The treatment can continue until the desired result is achieved and it costs $2,000 to $5,000

Advantages and Disadvantages of Invisalign Braces

Just like other clear aligners, the only known disadvantage of Invisalign is not really caused by it but only due to its limitations. There are severe cases which only other traditional orthodontic procedures can correct so it is best to consult with the orthodontist so they can check if Invisalign will work for you.

The orthodontist will be checking for the following numbers to check if Invisalign can effectively fix them.

Normally, Invisalign can easily fix:

  • Gap Size – Anything less than 6mm
  • Positioning – Rotation that does not exceed 20 degrees 
  • Tilt Movement – Anything less than 45 degrees
  • Midline Movement – anything less than 2mm from the facial midline

Who Needs Invisalign Braces ?

Anyone who has problems with the position of their teeth can benefit from Invisalign braces.

Abnormal posture, deglutition disorders, breathing from the mouth, sucking fingers, thumbsucking, use of pacifiers, pen and pencil biting, dermatophagia or a compulsion disorder of a person to  gnaw or bite his own skin, most commonly at the fingers, consciously or unconsciously; and other mannerisms and habits can all contribute to a malocclusion – a misalignment or incorrect position of the teeth between two dental arches as it meets each other whenever the jaw is closing. It can greatly influence the development of the face and dental arches. In the active skeletal growth. These abnormal alignment of the teeth and jaws affect 50% of the human population. Malpositioned teeth and jaws as well as  misaligned bite patterns are very common. 

Treatment can take several months to a few years, it involves the use of dental braces or Orthodontics.

Orthodontics is a modern science that dates back to the mid 1800s that can correct these.

It is a specialty of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, prevention, and correction of malpositioned teeth and jaws, and misaligned bite patterns.

Dental braces or “orthodontic cases”, or cases) are orthodontic devices used to align and straighten teeth and help position them properly to improve a person’s bite or fix dental gaps. Braces can also greatly improve dental health.

Braces are used to correct malocclusions, underbites, overbites, open bites, deep bites, cross bites, crooked teeth, and various other flaws of the teeth and jaw. Braces can be either cosmetic or structural.

Braces are made by wrapping metal around each tooth until the mid 1970s but as technological advances have developed, adhesives are now being used to stick metal brackets in each tooth.

Why are people still choosing the traditional metal braces over clear aligners?

For those that have severely-rotated teeth and/or what are called bicuspids, it was said that the use of clear aligners may not be enough because the trays are going to have a hard time gripping on cylindrical or rounded bicuspids without slipping. It means they might not be able to move them to make them more aligned. 

With traditional braces, which are securely affixed to the tooth and aren’t likely to slip, there should be no problems turning such teeth into the desired proper position.

This is why some still choose the traditional metal braces

Simpler Solutions for Simple Problems

Invisalign uses  removable custom fitted “trays” that are used to straighten teeth gradually. Their color is clear so they are less noticeable than dental braces made of metal.

Clear aligners slowly move your teeth to a new position and slowly move your teeth to a new position by using different trays sequentially.

Each individual tray which is worn everyday for two weeks. The next tray in the series is slightly different from the previous. This process gradually moves the teeth into proper position.

Some patients can opt for this kind of treatment if their teeth alignment issues are not that severe. 

Severe jaw problems or misalignment of teeth are rare cases. For all the usual common issues, it is best to trust a leader in the orthodontic industry because six million patients who can attest to its effectivity can never be wrong. Invisalign is a leading treatment option as of today.