Invisalign Retainers Prices

Retainers are very useful after the months-long process of correcting misaligned teeth. It ensures that the alignment stays correct and permanent and minimizes the risk for follow-up. Retainer costs can vary depending on how long you’re going to use them and how often they will need to get replaced. Invisalign Retainers Cost is $125 or $500 for a set of four.

What are Invisalign Retainers?

Invisalign retainers are Invisalign’s patented orthodontic aftercare retainers. Invisalign’s retainers are marketed under the brand name Vivera. Vivera retainers are clear, just like the Invisalign’s aligners. Both retainers and aligners are under the EX material series, with the aligners being EX30 and the latter as EX40. Both of these items are made from polyurethane.

Vivera retainers are heat resistant and can withstand heat of up to 260 degrees celsius. They’re extremely resistant to corrosion, even from salivary enzymes. The material is guaranteed safe to be in contact with mucous membranes and does not interact with body fluids.

As with any other kind of plastic or plastic-like material, Invisalign Retainers will naturally yellow. To help slow down this process, always wash them after use. Invisalign retainers are also not as durable as wire retainers, given the type of material they’re made of. People who wear these should keep them in the case they’re provided with else damaging their retainers and subsequently spending much more than they’re supposed to.

How much does the Treatment Cost?

The Vivera retainers are, in themselves, cheap. One can get a set of four for only $500. Dentists and orthodontists would also offer to combine the price of the retainers with the quote they provided for the correction of misaligned teeth. The resulting cost of aligners and retainers may surprise patients so it’s important to clear these up with the health care provider.

Some orthodontists prefer that the retainers come from different providers. They will give a write up of the specifications needed for the retainers, and will simply forward it to a supplier. But most of the time, expect them to offer to get you the retainers so you only have to get everything in one place.

You will be wearing Vivera retainers for a significant amount of time so the amount you’re spending on should be worth it. It’s important to review your papers on how you’re going to be billed.

Invisalign or Vivera is usually included on the price of the quote provided by the orthodontist or dentists. This is very convenient if the payment plan you agree to is on a monthly basis. It can also be paid upfront but the problem on paying upfront with the retainers included is that you would have to commit to using Vivera. This is something people who want to consider using wire retainers should expect.

Pros and Cons of Invisalign Retainers

Many people can attest to how good the Invisalign Retainers prevent their teeth from shifting. Here are some pros and cons of the Vivera retainers by Invisalign.


  • The retainers are clear and continue Invisalign’s commitment to a transparent dental device.
  • It’s custom fit so the alignment stays correct longer.
  • The retainers are ergonomically designed to fit well into your gum line to provide additional concealment.
  • Vivera retainers are made with body safe material.
  • The retainers are durable and will not wear down easily.
  • Invisalign retainers are made with corrosion-resistant polyurethane material.


  • Yellowing is expected with prolonged use – make sure to replace the retainers.
  • May be prescribed separately from the alignment treatment.

There’s not much disadvantage to using Vivera retainers. There are a lot of testimonials one can find on the internet regarding the effectiveness of Invisalign retainers.If you don’t mind the cost, which by the way is worth it, it’s a good investment to have a better set of teeth, or a more confident smile.

The Vivera or Invisalign retainers have properties that make them the ideal retainers. Hopefully, the age of wires and metal retainers will be over so that the more friendly and body safe Vivera can take over.

Who should Get Invisalign Retainers?

The very first people to consider getting Invisalign retainers are people who just finished using Invisalign, Invisalign Lite or Invisalign Express. It’s recommended to continue using Invisalign products since the aligners and retainers have almost the same molding or shape,

If you used traditional braces instead of Invisalign braces or retainers, your orthodontist will most likely do some assessments prior to ordering a set for you. The reason being Invisalign retainers rely heavily on the process used to make the Invisalign aligners.

It’s still possible for non-Invisalign aligner users to use Vivera retainers. The orthodontists may have to charge them additional fees for this to be possible. There is a slight risk for a misalignment to occur but the probability of this happening iis miniscule.

On the business side of things, orthodontists and dentists can get Invisalign retainers as a way of introducing patients to the advantages of Invisalign aligners. This also reduces the risks of misalignment for patients who insist on using Vivera retainers even if they haven’t used Invisalign retainers before. It will save practitioners time and money (and possibly, costly insurance claims for “medical malpractice” – this isn’t an uncommon scenario).

Invisalign Retainers vs Metal Retainers

Invisalign retainers provide unparalleled comfort to patients. The soft polyurethane material is less likely to give oral cuts than metal retainers. Metal retainers, although made of inert and corrosion resistant steel, have a slightly different taste than polyurethane. In addition to weight, Invisalign retainers are much more “visually appealing”.

Invisalign retainers may need some additional care when cleaning. Wire or metal retainers are easier to clean because they have a smooth metal surface. There’s less frequent cleaning with wire retainers as they “self-clean”. Invisalign retainers work around this problem by actually being conveniently removable. People eating steaks or meat can have better appreciation of the food by simply removing their Invisalign aligners or retainers,

Invisalign retainers are customised and fit well to your teeth up to the gum line. This is to make sure that it doesn’t deform and provides an additional protection from dental caries or other oral problems. The only advantage of wire retainers vs Invisalign’s Vivera is the resistance to deformation. It’s an advantage afforded to the inherent property of metal to be tough.

Are Invisalign Retainers Worth It?

Like what we mentioned earlier in this article, Invisalign Retainers work best with people who underwent Invisalign, Invisalign Lite, or Invisalign Express treatments. There are a lot of people who already claim that Invisalign retainers give great results when it comes to correcting or maintaining the alignment of teeth. Orthodontists and dentists will most likely recommend this brand of retainer after you’re done with the alignment treatments.

For anyone looking for reliable retainers, Vivera or Invisalign retainers remain as one of the best options. If you’re going to spend on your health, make sure not to be stingy and don’t be scared to spend it wisely.